Wolfgang Becker

Wolfgang Becker pipes were originally created out of a need for good pipes in an affordable range. Becker was fascinated by the Danish pipe makers, especially the pipes of Lars Ivarsson. The prices were not accessible for Becker though, and he began looking into creating his own pipes instead.

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Wolfgang Becker pipes were originally created out of a need for good pipes in an affordable range. Becker was fascinated by the Danish pipe makers, especially the pipes of Lars Ivarsson. The prices were not accessible for Becker though, and he began looking into creating his own pipes instead.

Wolfgang was born in 1952. Without of any guidance in the beginning he made his first pipe in the middle of the 80´s. In 1987, Becker began making pipes on his own, completely autodidact and green. After many years of learning, he started to sell some pieces from his very limited production. The Wasp and the Driver are some of his typical shapes. He loves to make asymmetrical shapes.

Since then, his pipes have continuously improved and has developed into exclusive and exquisite pipes popular among collectors worldwide.

Wolfgang Becker pipes at Bisgaard Pipes

On this page you will our collection of Wolfgang Becker pipes. His shapes and forms vary, as does his use of materials, but one thing is certain: The quality is invariably top notch. Among his great talents is the wasp shape, that he has perfected into a very famous shape. He creates the wasp in both boxwood and a sandblasted version for your preference.