Giacomo Penzo pipes
Giacomo Penzo startet to make pipes in 2009 for hobby when he was eighteen and is also self taught He learned many things from Youtube, pipe books, online forums, pipe club, events and meetings. In high school he studied art, sculpture and architecture. He graduated in Industrial Design and during his time at university, he dedicated all his free time to make pipes. After his Industrial Design degree in 2015 he had a lot of requests from pipe shops, pipe collectors and pipe smokers so he decided to start making pipes for business.
Today he is very happy about his work and selling his pipes through dealers in Italy, USA, China and now also in Denmark.
Giacomo Penzo startet to make pipes in 2009 for hobby when he was eighteen and is also self taught He learned many things from Youtube, pipe books, online forums, pipe club, events and meetings. In high school he studied art, sculpture and architecture. He graduated in Industrial Design and during his time at university, he dedicated all his free time to make pipes. After his Industrial Design degree in 2015 he had a lot of requests from pipe shops, pipe collectors and pipe smokers so he decided to start making pipes for business.
Today he is very happy about his work and selling his pipes through dealers in Italy, USA, China and now also in Denmark.
High quality pipes
The pipes are branded with the wording “G. Penzo Pipe Made in Italy”, a symbol and a letter. The symbols (mountain, shell, flame) specify the finish, the letters (A, B, C) identify the real value of the pipe.
His pipes are made from Briar, olive wood, corbezzolo and morta. He makes only high quality german ebonite and cumberland stem. He buys briar from Manno and Mimmo Romeo, and cures the wood from 2 to 4 years but he is increasing that. He cuts the stem by hand from the bar because he believes that it is very important to make a very good pipe. His pipes are a very personal product.
“I am an industrial designer, so the pipe is above all an instrument, it must do its duty, It must smoke good, it must be comfortable and balanced, it must be beautiful. The shape follow the function! My pipes have to express my pipe idea, I want offer to the pipe smoker a perfect tool to smoke, a beautiful object to admire. My pipes are unique like their owner” - Giacomo Penzo