Erik Nørding pipes
Erik Nørding is the maker of some of the world’s most sought-after and respected Danish freehand as well as a superb line of high grade traditionally styled briars, many with silver or gold bands. The versatile Nørding also produces several private label pipes for individual tobacconists throughout the world. Although prices for Erik Nørding pipes range from very low to extremely high, all his briars possess a consistent smoking quality rarely encountered today.
Erik Nørding is the maker of some of the world’s most sought-after and respected Danish freehand as well as a superb line of high grade traditionally styled briars, many with silver or gold bands. The versatile Nørding also produces several private label pipes for individual tobacconists throughout the world. Although prices for Erik Nørding pipes range from very low to extremely high, all his briars possess a consistent smoking quality rarely encountered today.
Erik Nørding pipes offers something for everyone
On this page you will find our great selection of pipes, all the highest quality and with the unique designs that each pipe present. Erik Nørding himself was not drawn to the woodwork of pipe making but was initially more interested in the machinery that surrounds it. Being a passionate pipe smoker himself, Nørding knows what makes a good pipe, that is a pleasure to pack, light and enjoy. In our selection you will find great Erik Nørding pipes that you enjoy while staying at home or bring with you on the go. Especially the Hunting collection is an asset to any pipe collection.